Payment Innovation in Nepal: The Rise of Digital Banking and Currency

Woman looking at her smartphone

Digital banking and currency have been rapidly gaining ground in Nepal, with more people turning to mobile banking apps and other digital services. By the end of the fiscal year Jul-22, the number of mobile banking users had reached a staggering 18 million, while internet banking customers numbered over 1.6 million, according to the central bank.

But the transition to digital banking and currency is not without its challenges. Banks face infrastructure issues, security concerns, and a lack of digital literacy among customers. To address these hurdles, the Payment Systems Department (PSD) of Nepal Rastriya Bank is working with banks, fintech companies, and other stakeholders to develop a robust and inclusive payment ecosystem. PSD is responsible for regulating payment systems, promoting financial inclusion, and developing new payment products.

Looking to the future, Nepal is exploring the possibility of launching its own digital currency. A well-designed digital currency could help to reduce transaction costs, increase financial inclusion, and promote economic growth. However, there are also risks associated with digital currencies, such as the potential for fraud and money laundering. To ensure its success, careful planning and risk management will be necessary.

In the face of these challenges, Nepal is poised to become a leader in digital banking and currency. With the support of innovative fintech solutions and forward-thinking regulators, the country is on track to transform its payment landscape, paving the way for greater financial inclusion and economic growth.

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Anand Bajracharya

Country Manager, Nepal


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